KIC TRT Bootcamp Day3

Table of Contents

  1. When, Why, and How to Pivot
  2. Product and Company Road Map
  3. Funding

When, why and how to pivot

The tyranny of urgency

  • Quarterly cadence - serves as an accountability mechanism

  • What is a Pivot?
    • When a startup shifts business strategy to accommodate industry, market, or customer
    • The process of direct and indirect feedback changing your business model
    • Iterations vs. Pivots
      • Iterations are course corrections
      • Pivots are painful - we were in the tire business, we’re now in apps
      • Not course correction
      • Slack - originally a gaming company
      • Odeo -> Twiiter
    • When to do a pivot?
      • Path to revenue is not there
      • Customer review interviews
  • When & Why
    • When - 90-180 days
      • Get out of your head and get in front of the customer
    • 50-100 customer interviews
    • Build on email list
  • How to pivot
    • Are you staying in the same TAM?
    • Is the product wrong?
    • Is the brand wrong?
    • Focus on the problem first, solution second!

Product and Company Road Map

  • Product vision
    • Long term features
    • Startup with PROBLEM not product - pivot product/features around the problem
    • It won’t be what you ship first
    • What the world looks like before and after your product
  • Product roadmap
    • What features and when
    • Quarterly targets based on
      • Budget
      • Available developers
  • Estimating costs
    • Write specification
      • Required for launch
    • Design & flow
      • Post project on
      • PPT/keynote first with design
    • Test design and flow
    • Revise
  • Company roadmap
    • Roadmap is NOT dependent on fundraising
      • If you raise the capital, you move things forward in the roadmap
    • Where will you be in 18 and 36 months
    • Does it map to your financial model
    • Maps to use of proceeds
  • Highlight key milestones
    • This is a bit of an eye chart, so highlight key milestones
    • Product ship dates
    • First revenue
    • Key hires: Hire two packs - for sales
    • Quarterly Template

Funding 101

  • Fundraising fundamentals
    • Raising funds is not a sign of success. Cash flow is.
    • Control terms
    • Convertible debt
    • Needs a lead investor
  • Fundraising 101
    • Stage appropriate capital = what’s the right money at the right time?
      • Early - angels, early stage VC’s
      • Later - large venture funds
    • Control shifts - board roles, deal terms
    • Dilution - every round of funding you will sell 35-35% of new shares
    • Bad boards = bad enterprise value
  • Angels
    • Invest in you and your passion
    • Like the market or idea
    • Have made money in the sector before
    • Deal type
      • Convertible note with o cap
      • Revenue but pre-product makes fit
    • “return the fund” deals that an produce > 10x
  • Later stage = growth capital
    • Post product market fit
    • $10k in marketing spend = internal rate of return (IRR) of how many days?
  • Fundraising process
    • Enterprise sales process - landing multiple planes at the same time
    • Top of the funnel
      • Research
        • Crunchbase (cheap) technation (UK)
        • Pitchbook (expensive)
        • Angelist
        • Competitive deals (w/ Exits)
      • Create a forwardable email
        • Ask for approval
        • Follow with intro
  • Target investors
    • Targets - build of list of targets, look for linkedin and/or email introductions
    • They have invested in your market/stage in the past
    • They have board experience for your stage
    • They can help with strategic introductions
      • Investors
      • Customers
  • Monthly updates
    • Using MailChimp free account
      • Investors - tagged
      • Customers
    • 30 day intervals
      • What we thought
      • What we learned
      • What we are doing about it
      • Where we need help
    • Regularly
  • Do’s and Don’ts
    • Do
      • Keep your eye on the ball
        • Don’t miss your numbers
      • Manage the process
      • Quality your investor
      • Create optionality
      • If there’s an elephant in the room, call it out
    • Don’ts
      • Get < 6 months of capital
      • Hide the ball on any bad news
      • Be too transparent
      • Let the investor miss a deadline - escrow example
  • Fundraising process
    • Asking for advice vs. cash
      • Who do you know that would like out type of deal
      • What other things would you like to see us complete before we talk again
    • Deals that
  • Conclusion
    • Broad funnels gives you the most choices
    • They will be talking to other investors
    • How you interact in the process will indicate the future
    • What do you need in addition to capitol?
      • God to market help
      • Product help
      • Know your blind spots
    • Time kills ALL deals
  • Tools for pitching
    • Forwardable email
    • Executive summary
    • Presentation
      • ~13 slides
      • More is OK if you have data/traction Monthly update

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