KIC TRT Bootcamp Day1
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Telling Your Story in 11 Slides
- Markets
- Value Propositions
- Customer Development Data
- Awkwad Cofounder Discussions
Venture Ready Scores
- Team: Why you, balanced team (talents, diversity), domain experts, serially successful founders, great company experience
- Idea: Are you solving a problem? New or existing problem, big category (vs tool), early/late continuum, technically achievable, pain pill or vitamin
- Product: Do you have a product, how mature, customer first, solid design, clear road map to scale
- Market/Customer: big market (TAM/SOM), cash available, new or nascent market?
- Competition: How many incumbents, funding status, are you incrementally better or 10x better?
- Traction: Customer validation, revenue, improving unit economics?
- Timing: Why now? Are you late, early, too early?
- Revenue Model/Finance: How will you monetize your idea? Do you have a basic budget on spending, big or small economics?
- IP/Moat: Is your idea defensible? Can you build a moat over time?
- Clear Ask: What do you need help with? Advice, funding, introduction, help finding staff?
Fast NO
- Market
- Team
- Product
- Traction
Slow YES
- Idea
- Competition
- Business Model/Finance
- Timing
- Intellectual Property/Moat
- Clear Ask
Addressing the weaknesses
- Where were you weak?
- How would you answer differently?
- What can you change now - before final pitches?
- Don’t ignore the elephant in the room - investors won’t!
Business Model Breakdown
- Creating Value: Product, Team & Market
- Capturing Value: Reasonable to exceptional returns - traction & idea
- Delivering Value: Price, economics, S & M
Telling Your Story in 11 Slides
- Title, Value Proposition, Contact Info
- Presentation Overview
- Problem
- Solution
- Market Size
- Competitive Analyss
- Traction/Timing - why you, why now?
- Product Road Map/Demo How you make money/Key Metrics
- Go-To-Market/Why Bahrain
- Secret sauce/Moat/IP
- Team
- Clear Ask/What do you need from the VSs?
What is the market and who is the customer?
TAM (Total Addressable Market)
SAM (Service Addressable Market)
- Or Serviceable Available Market
- The part of the market that can actually be reached
- sales and marketing driven
- with the feature you have now
- with the product roadmap you have
- competition
- Not everyone that might use it, if they found it, if it was in their language and currency
SOM (Service Obtainable Market)
- The subset of the market you can capture
- A proxy for short term upside
- Not aspirational
LAM (Launch Addressable Market)
What can buy your product at MVP?
- Given your TAM, SAM, and SOM - WHO is the customer?
- With Limited Features?
- Who can you sell today?
- B2B
- B2C
- Buyer profile *What features will you need to launch to expand your market and price?
GTM (Go-To-Market)
- Have a plan for how you get your first customers?
- Your LAM maps to your Go-To-Market
- customer
- value prop
- pricing
- marketing spend and sales effort
Market Conditions
- Nascent/New market: Uber, AirBnB
- Large markets: >$100M or $1B
- Large market provides “at bat” opportunities
- small markets suck
- Headwinds or tailwinds?
- Covid
Who is your customer?
- Product vs. Services
- Product is something you can deliver or ship - can you make $$ while you sleep
- Services require people to deliver on the value and promise - consulting or a restaurant
- Who pays the bill?
- A business
- The consumer
- The product user and who pays can be different as in Facebook or Google that make money on advertising
Why/How do they buy?
- Make money vs. save money?
- Searching for product?
- Needs to be sold
Value Propositions
- Positioning is holding a place in your customers’ mind - not as everything. What’s memorable?
- Who is the initial customer?
- Think about limiting service and customer first - before you expand
- You are not precluded from selling other services or products
- What claim or promise will you make?
- Don’t buy the lead
- Think of this like journalism
- What’s the headline?
- What’s the lead?
- What’s the story?
- Each pitch is a rapid A/B testing
- Look for 1:Many opportunities to test your value proposition
- Trade shows
- peers
- Test tag lines
- The one sentence summary
- Pull from the madlibs pitch
- Benefits to customer - not features
- Simple
- Evolve with the company
- You don’t have a big budget - so you can’t afford brand advertising
- Start with brand neutral and build
- Memorable
- Phonetically easy to spell
- Avoid double letters, etc.
Customer Development Data
- Parallel process with Product Development
- “Get out of the building”
- Develop for a few, not many
- Prioritize features based on needs, not wants
- Validate with revenue/commitment
What is customer development?
- Four steps of an epiphany – Steve Blank
A. Iteration
- Customer Discovery: Turn hypothesis into facts
- Customer Validation: Identify scalable and repeatable sales model
B. Execution
- Customer Creation
- Company Building
Customer Development Goals
- Acute focus on problem - not product
- Find out if customers care?
- What do they want?
- Determines the difference your product at launch and at scale
- Feature priorities & Product roadmap
Customer Dev Mechanics
- Google forms
- structured questions
- Progression
- What do you really want to know?
- Will they pay for it? How much?
- Why will it fail?
Neutral, not guided questions
- Build a list of interested parties
- mail chimp list setup
- ask for permission to email
- monthly updates: format - “what we did, what we are going to do and where we can use your help”
- Regular frequency: be predictable
What not to do
- You are not the customer
- Don’t tolerate a small sample set - this could delay your success by years
- Avoid “selection bias”: “isn’t our product amazing”
- No rhetorical questions
- No blind surveys
- Can’t outsource
Awkward Co-Founder Discussions
- Setup a process to get the expectations out in the open
- Pre-incorporation
- Meeting 1 of 2
- Why do you want to do this
- Capital in vs. out
- Timing of life
- Passion
- Go to Startup Equity Calculator
- Meeting 2 of 2
- Print out a copy - bring it to the meeting
- How far off are you? What responsibilities?
- At incorporation
- Reverse vesting schedule
- What happens when someone leaves?
- Option pool 20%
- Why 50/50 is the only wrong decision
- Meeting 1 of 2
- Post Incorporation
- Milestones/Deliverables
- Slicing Pie
- Market rates: Don’t over inflate
- Track time and contribution
- Regular meeting: weekly standups
- Make HR changes fast - they won’t get easier