Stanford: NLP with Machine Learning (2)

Lecture 2: Word Vectors 2 and Word Senses

Lecture Plan

Lecture 2: Introduction and Word Vectors

Main idea of word2vec

  • Iterate through each word of the whole corpus
  • Predict surrounding words using word vectors
  • The probability distribution is found by the dot product of the word vectors by the softmax function
\[{U (outside)} {V (center)} {U.{v_{4}}^T} (dot product) {softmax(U.{v_{4}}^T) (probabilities)}\] \[\left[ \begin{array} ..... \\ ..... \\ ..... \\ ..... \\ ..... \\ ..... \\ \end{array} \right]_{U (outside)} \left[ \begin{array} ..... \\ ..... \\ ..... \\ ..... \\ ..... \\ ..... \\ \end{array} \right]_{V (center)} \left[ \begin{array} . \\ . \\ . \\ . \\ . \\ . \\ \end{array} \right]_{U.{v_{4}}^T} \left[ \begin{array} . \\ . \\ . \\ . \\ . \\ . \\ \end{array} \right]_{softmax(U.{v_{4}}^T) probabilities}\]
  • Same predictions at each position.
  • We want a model that gives a reasonably high probability estimate to all words that occur in the context.

  • Word2vec maximizes objective function by putting similar words nearby in space.

2. Optimization: Gradient Descent

  • We have a cost function \(J(\theta)\) to minimize
  • Gradient Descent is an algorithm to minimize \(J(\theta)\)
  • Idea: for current value of \(\theta\), calculate gradient of \(J(\theta)\), then take a small step in the direction of negative gradient & repeat.

Gradient Descent - updated equation

  • (in matrix rotation)

    \(\theta^{new} = \theta^{old} - \alpha{\nabla}_\theta J(\theta)\)

    \(\alpha\) = step size or learning rate

  • (for a single parameter) \[\theta_j^{new} = \theta_j^{old} - \alpha\frac{\alpha}{\alpha\theta_j^{old}} J(\theta)\]

  • Algorithm
    while True:
      theta_grad = evaluate_gradient(J, corpus, theta)
      theta = theta - alpha * theta_grad
  • Problem: \(J(\theta)\) is a function of all windows in the corpus (potentially billions!) So \(\nabla_{\theta} J(\theta)\) is very expensive to compute.

  • Solution: Stochastic gradient descent (SGD)
    • Repeatedly sample windows and update after each one
  • Algorithm:
    while True:
      window = sample_window(corpus)
      theta_grad = evaludate_gradient(J, window, theta)
      theta = theta - alpha * theta_grad
  • Iteratively take gradients at each such window for SGD
  • But in each window, we only have at most 2m + 1 words so \(\nabla_{\theta} J_t(\theta)\) is very sparse!
  • We might only update the word vector that actually appear!

  • Solution: either you need sparse matrix update operations to only update certain rows of full embedding matrices U and V, or you need to keep around a hash for word vectors
  • If you have millions of word vectors and do distributed computing, it is important to not have to send gigantic updates around!

  • Why two vectors? –> Easier optimization. Average both at the end
    • But can do algorithm with just one vector per word
  • Two models
    1. Skip-grams: Predict context (outside) words (position independent) given a center word
    2. Continuous Bag of Words (CBOW): Predict center word from (bag of) context words
  • For additional efficiency: negative sampling Train binary logistic regressions for a true pair (center word and word in its context window) versus several noise pairs (the center word paired with a random word)


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